As part of ongoing efforts to expand services and develop the canine security sector, Global K9 Protection Group, LLC (GK9PG) has announced it will purchase and integrate assets of Aniston, Alabama-based 360 Security Partners LLC, known as CSK9 and VWK9.

Canine screening and detection provider GK9PG is a veteran-owned and operated business comprised of air cargo industry experts, MBAs, Lean-Six Sigma Black belts, senior explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) experts, and canine professionals.

The partnership underscores the importance of using K9 units that are specifically trained to detect explosives or weapons being carried by people in mass transit and large crowd events. 

In addition to the increased number of canine teams available, the partnership would bring the K9 industry enhanced security screening for several sectors, including transportation, sports, entertainment, and law enforcement. Existing partnerships with the U.S. military Civilian Skills Program, the Department of Defense's Skillbridge Program and the United Police Work Dog Association (UPWDA) can also benefit from added canine units introduced by the integration.

K9 units serve as a force multiplier, mitigating the impact of threats and bolstering existing security measures.