By definition, duty of care refers to the moral and legal obligations of employers to their employees, contractors, volunteers and related family members in maintaining their well-being, security and safety when in the workplace, wherever that might be, or traveling on behalf of the company. According to International SOS’ 2024 Risk Outlook Report, created to identify top concerns that organizations are expected to face in the coming year, 75% of surveyed organizations expect an increase in duty of care expectations from their employees this year. With these increased expectations and the dynamic work environments we see today, prioritizing duty of care should be at the core of your organization’s priorities and policies.
At the heart of duty of care lies a commitment to creating a safe and conducive environment where employees can thrive without fear of harm or negligence in both an in-person or remote work setting. This commitment extends beyond just physical safety and encompasses mental and emotional well-being, as well. Recognizing and prioritizing duty of care fosters an environment of trust, loyalty and productivity, thereby enhancing overall organizational performance and employee satisfaction.
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